At Moore Services, we are happy to answer all of
your questions regarding our equipment and services. As
such, this page provides answers to questions commonly asked
by our customers. If you have
a question, please ask it now using the form below. All questions
will be answered via e-mail. If appropriate, common questions
and their answers will be posted on this page. Thanks for your
interest in Moore Services.
Q: What would cause a Hi Steam (turntable) style Cuff and collar machine to only press one shirt? Once it spins around to do the second shirt the irons never come down
Thank you
Paul –Paul Randesi of Martinizing from Long Grove
A: Chances are the heads aren't "seeing" the buck is in position. Look for the simple stuff first. It's likely a switch that's out of adjustment for that buck.
Q: I have a unipress triple body rotary. the unloader (picks up the shirt)times out and I get an error on the board. the transfer is 4 seconds. the reed switch is lit and the board shows that it is in place. any thoughts? –hugh of smi from nanuet ny
A: Hugh- I would check that the reed switch is working properly, then look at the wiring going to it. Look for pinch points where the wire could break the signal momentarily. This happens on older units as they age.
Q: I have a cissell utility press. What is the best way to change our the buck valve? –Lacey Brandt of His Waters Wash and Fold from Bakersfield
A: Ouch. Cissell press parts look common (like United Brass parts), but they're not. Most Cissell presses were built by Pantex over in Europe, and the buck valves work in a similar way, yet the actual parts are different, and vary scarce. Call us with your model number and we may be able to set you up with something that will work (800)941-6673. You might consider replacing the machine with one that is still supported. We may be able to help!
Q: On an Unipress ABS, what does it mean when it flashes 31. –Kerry of Quality Cleaners from Conway AR
A: That means: Valve 1 output error...Which sounds like a problem between the board and the valve. Call us if we can help. (800)941-6673
Q: Good morning I have a CRD shirt unit that is not working right when I do the transfer it looks that it does not have the strength to move I pushed a little and finished the cycle but when I dont do it it shows the code 11, and after it does the cycle it moves like it is not align any ideas what I can try I clean all the valves and adjust the transfer switches ans still no luck, thank you for your help –Luis Hernandez of Kings Valet from Charleston
A: Luis, An error code 11 would indicate the bucks did not transfer completely within 15 seconds. That's pretty slow as shirt machines go....So look for the simple stuff first: Make sure enough air pressure is being supplied to the machine. Make sure enough air VOLUME is coming to the machine (check that the incoming air strainer isn't plugged up). Repair any air leaks you can detect, especially those you hear while the machine is transferring. That's the best place to start. If the problem persists, call us at (800)941-6673. One of our factory trained technicians will try and help you out!
Q: Hi,
I have the Unipress shirt press Model VASY3P. When pressing the collar and cuff, the main shirt press don't work or vice versa. Please advise.
Thank you, –Timmy of Cleaner from Houston, TX
A: Timmy, sounds like you have a reed switch out of position. This is detailed in the machine's manual. If you need one we can help with that. Just call (800)941-6673.
Q: I have a Unipress dry clean press and the vacuum pedal makes an electric '"click" sound when stepped on but isn't causing the vacuum to draw/suck garments down on the press. The actual vacuum seems to operate fine so I'm assuming it's in the foot pedal. Any other suggestions? –Clif of Clif's Cleaners from North Little Rock, AR
A: Take apart the vacuum valve below the buck. Chan–ces are the guts of the valve have come off the shaft of the air cylinder that opens/closes the vacuum. Pretty common. We stock all those parts. If you need help, just call.
Q: We have a Unipress VASY single shirt buck. The issue we have is that while it is in use it seems to use an excessive amount of air to the point where our 7.5HP air compressor keeps running and won't get above 100 PSI. This causes issues to where our other presses won't work correctly or at all while the buck is in use. As soon as we shut it down the compressor builds up enough pressure in it's tank and shuts off until it needs to fill again. Is there some kind of air leak in the VASY? If so, how can I determine where? When running it is so noisy you can't hear very well. –Jason Walthall of Martinizing Dry Cleaners from Fort Worth, TX
A: Jason,
Typically what you'll find is that the airbags are leaking on that model. They use compressed air to fill those. There ARE better quality airbags available.
Also, check for air leaks on the actuators or "tires" that close the press heads. A small leak there will drain your compressor big time too!
Hope this helps. If not, just give us a call.
Q: I have a Unipress Shirt press. Was wondering if you knew of a user manual for it. Model CSB
S/N 9362149. Also one of the sleeve extenders leaks air and does not retract. is this repairable? –Jeff Clark of Paul Davis Restoration from Omaha, Nebraska
A: Jeff- I believe we do have a manual, it may be for an older model. Those sleeve extension cylinders are not re-buildable but can be replaced. Give us a shout at (800)941-6673 and we'll help you out.
Q: I have a unipress ASF form finisher,every so often during use the steam will not stop.(sometimes a tap near the controls will stop it) Thanks Randall –Randall Whitaker of Vidalia Cleaners from Vidalia Georgia
A: Sounds like one of the two relays on your control board is trying to send you a message Randall. That message is: Call (800)941-MORE and they'll get you a discounted price on a new board. At some point tapping won't be a remedy.
Q: I have a Unipress 45RX. utility press. Sometimes I have a problem with not being able to bring the head down. At the Board, the 24sw light goes out at the same time I get an error code 8. This can happen even when the press is at rest.Turning off and on the press is the only way to reset it. I have increased the air pressure to 85 Lbs. That didn't help. –Richatd Verheul of T.H.E. Cleaners from Alberta, Canada
A: Richard,
Sounds like the head limit switch needs adjusted or replaced. It's telling the control board the head isn't where it's supposed to be. Most of the time the switch needs moved a quarter inch one way or the other, then tested. Pretty easy fix. If you more need help, give us a call at (800)941-MORE
Q: we have a unipress abs sleever. the sleever will not go into the cabinet. it reads a code 10. any suggestions? –gamma white of sunshine laundry & dry cleaning from washington court house ohio
A: Error code 10 means the incoming voltage to the machine is too low. Plug it in somewhere else and see if that helps. If that doesn't work, call us at (800)941-6673. We had technicians near you last Friday...We can be there tomorrow if you need us!
Q: bag air up whn bag sr out –gary of timp from ut
A: Well Gary, it would help to know what sort of machine you're talking about. I mean, we're good, but...
Q: I have a unipress single bucket and I have a problem when I press the pedal the front part of the shirt holds good but in the back the vacuum seems like is not working it does not hold the shirt and in the computer ready the code 33. I will apreciate your help. Thank you –Yuliana of Kings Valet from Charleston,SC
A: We would be glad to help. What model number Unipress machine do you have?
Q: I have a Cissell HD 125 dryer. I have a owners manual, but I need error codes and a wiring schematic. Can you help –Paul Strahler of Safety Test from Shelby NC
A: Yes. Call us. (800)941-6673
Q: I have a Unipress DLZ double legger that the head won't go all the way down. We've adjusted the Reed Switch and even switched it out with another press as well as all other parts we can think of. We can make it go down manually all the way but not with the hand buttons. After almost closing using the hand buttons, it shows code 11 and we have to shut the press off, then back on to operate it by the hand buttons. HELP!!! –Clif Arnold of Clif's Cleaners from North Little Rock, AR
A: You may not be holding the close buttons long enough to satisfy the pressure switch, or there is a close switch that is bad. Look on the circuit board for corresponding lights for each of the switches and make sure they're functional. This is outlined in the back of the manual very well. Also, make sure your incoming air pressure is at least 65 psi. Call us at (800)941-6673 if you need more help or parts.
Q: I have a unipress ABS sleever when the heads close after a few sec the heads start to fall down can you help? Thanks –Bob Howze of Brownville Cleaners from West Monroe La 71292
A: Bob, Your issue is likely the Raising Cylinder has a leaky internal seal (which we stock) OR the ARO valve that controls it has a bad spool (we have those too!). There are other possible causes but these two would be the most common. Call us and we'll get you what you need. (800)941-6673
Q: Where can I find the schematic for a "Cissell Perma Press Dryer model # L28BS30G. –Mark J. Rosenberg of Redtop Motel from Spokane
A: Hello
We can provide you with a service/parts manual. Cost is $40.00 plus shipping. Please give us a call if you would like to order. 800-941-6673
Thank you
Moore Services Inc.
Q: I am looking for parts for the unit's nine uni-press approximately
thirty years old. Model # C42SA and serial number 18232134.
–Mark Lewellyn of Texas Dept of Criminal Justice from Navasota, Texas
A: We may be able to help. Call Alan at (800)941-6673.
Q: Unipress CRS got a constant air leak out of muffler end valve 1. changed gaskets between valves problem still exsists machine works fine but cant operate with this air leak compressor cant keep up jay 845 234 1777 –Jay of Exclusive Cleaners from Newburgh NY
A: Based on the model CRS being a few years old, you could have an air cylinder blowing through or the body of valve 1 has actually had it (it happens). Call us at your convenience Jay, and we'll try and walk you toward a solution.
Q: We have unipress double buck shirt machine. Since last one year we are having problem of one of the buck not sitting correctly in place due to which the machine stops. We turn off the machine and do the reset and restart it. Then it works fine for some time and again same problem. We have changes all the necessary valves and also the air pressure regulator without any luck. More than 5 mechanics have looked into our machine without any success. Wasted more than 3000 dollars to figure out what the hell is wrong witht he machine.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks - TJ –Tejash Patel of Sycamore Cleaners from Corona, CA
A: One of your reed switches is out of adjustment or one of the bumpers is flattened or gone. Each reed switch has a corresponding indicator light on the control panel, and your manual will walk you through the steps involved in identifying the culprit. Turning the machine off then on will clear the error, but this won't fix the machine permanently. If you need a manual, the bumper or the reed switch, call us and we'll set you up.
Q: I have a customer that has an older Hoffman 2010. Is there any manuals for such a unit and where might I find these?
The unit is having a problem in the drying mode. It will run two loads then locks out for 30 minutes or so until they can proceed to doing another load.
Also in the hot summer days the unit goes off on high pressure and takes some time to reset.
Any advice on what to check or a cause for such problems?
The Model is Hoffman 2010 and the serial # H 50/05/87/567
Thanks for your time.
–Michael Johnston of ACCO from Reno, NV
A: Sounds like you have a cooling water issue, affecting your refrigeration unit. It's likely locking out the compressor because of high pressure. The compressor won't restart until it is cool again and it's internal switch resets itself. We can check into that manual for you, but chances are you're getting better info here. Does the machine or do you have access to refrigeration gauges? If so, give us a call and we'll try to give you some better direction. Make sure you have an adequate supply of cool water to the machine.
Q: I working on a BMM Weston 725G Unipress.
Are there any local part suppliers or online parts manuals for this press. –Ed Molloy of Western State Design from Hayward, Ca
A: Sorry. That is not familiar at all. Perhaps if you were to send us an image we could help.
A: You have a broken belt. The only other reason the motor would hum is that it doesn't know the words.
Q: Cissell dryer error code F-55
Drier wont start. Thanks Jerry –Jerry of Mercy Health Center from NY
A: That display is actually FSS, which is indicating the sail-switch is open for one reason or another. Need more direction or parts? Call us at (800)941-MORE
Q: Who can repair the main PCBA from Unipress CRS shirt body press? –Ashwin Shah of Oxboro cleaners from Bloomington, MN
A: Here are two companies that do this:,
We recommend a factory replacement for this sort of thing, unless the repair firm is willing to undertake the liability involved.
Q: We have a unipress sleever that will not send the sleeves in. When you push the buttons the valve will click but, nothing. Once in a while it will go in four or five times then stop. The computer will time out and give a code 11. The you hit the reset and start over. I have taken valves apart switch sylonoids but nothing helps. Any ideas. Had the local unipress guy work on it and he is at a loss too. Hope you can help!!! Thanks!
–Hunter Hay of Geno's Formal Affair from Lexington, KY
A: Error code 11 means "heads open" and "heads closed" read switches are activated at the same time. The switch should have an indicator light on the board you can observe. We have those switches in stock. We have that whole machine in stock as well.
Q: I have a unipress double buck shirt press, model CRDC, and one of the bucks doesn't work correctly. When the buck is in the dress position the vacuum wont work and the arm clamp wont engage. When you press the foot pedal the other buck's arms engage while its in the press position.
You have any idea what is causing this to happen? please help! –Nicholas of 108 Cleaners from Omaha, NE
A: That sounds like the body form pressure switch. It cannot be bypassed, although you could swap it out with the main switch as a temporary measure to get running. We have that switch in stock and ready to ship at $33.99. Give us a call and we'll get one out for you.
Q: I have 3 pup steamer set (mushroom)
steam leaking constantly from top and make a noise on middle one which is big one. how can i fix it. all the valve works good. –johnnybmin of lakeside cleaners from lakeside,ca92040
A: Usually when a puff iron leaks at the top, the spring is week and needs replaced (part V-345) or the valve seat is worn. The way to start is by replacing the spring. That's done different ways on different versions of the Cissell puff iron, but it's always the same style spring. Call us and we'll set you up with a handfull of inexpensive parts you'll want in order to get the job done right.  |
Q: Hi,
I am currently purchasing equipment from an existing dry cleaners. One item is a dry cleaning machine Hoffman 2010. The owner says it is about 9 years old. However, I have been unable to find it online. The machine is tan and brownish and uses computer cards that it read in the front in order to operate. He also has lots of cissell equipment and I am unsure if it is discontinued as I heard they are out of business. Do you know what year the dry cleaning machine might be? A picture of it is located at The guy is selling everything for $5000 and says he is just really tired of the business as he has been in it for 40 years. There are only a couple of good items including the machine. –Tashana Stoudamire of EcoSquad Cleaning Gurus from Chicago, IL
A: Tashana, I cannot tell the actual age of that machine...But I CAN tell you that the machine may be difficult, if not illegal to install in most of the US. Current regulations are very specific with regard to the generation of the machine's design. Call us and we will be happy to bring you up to speed on this...Also, Cissell Manufacturing is now owned by Alliance Laundry Systems. We still have access to a majority of the parts for Cissell's drycleaning machinery. We have quite a bit in stock too.
Q: I need timer for the Cissell make commercial gas operated dreyer.The part no is
M 406 ,S9932 ,tu-5842
This is what written on the is 0-60 minute timer. the dryer is not automatically stopping.So I need to change the timer.Every time I have to come to & remember to open the door ,so Dryer stop.If I replace the timer,then my problem can be solved. –Bhupendra patel of Super8 Motel from Blytheville,Arkansas
A: Mr. Patel
We have one in stock. List price is $185.09 each. We can offer you a 10% discount. Your cost would be $166.58 plus shipping. Please call if you would like to purchase.
Thank You
Alan Lawrence
Moore Services
(800) 941-6673
Q: I have just fallen in to the handy man job at a dry cleaners and i am having trouble with the equipment i need a manual for a cissell utility model # ci-41-adx ser# 08772244 also had a model # au-42 on a tag just below the large one. thank you for you time
josh –josh of bell finish from port townsend
A: We can help you with that. We have most Cissell manuals and many of the parts for that machine.
A: Hello Dan
If you are referring to the basket shaft bearing the PN: TU7019 is in stock and available for immediate delivery. The price is $60.91 each and we would offer you a 10% discount. You can reach us at (800) 941-6673 Monday thru Friday 8am - 5pm est.
Thank you
Alan Lawrence
Moore Services
Solon, OH 44139
(800) 941-6673
A: That depends where the water looks like its coming from and when it's leaking. Call us at (800)941-6673 and we'll walk you through it.
Q: I need to locate a service manual for a 120 lb dryer mdl.44CD42G. I need the barrell alignment procedures. product No. ABF11062 –william d. higgins of holiday inn grand montana from billings, montana
A: We have that information available. One of our service representatives will be contacting you directly to determine what format you would like that in. Thank you for your inquiry.
Q: I want know what equipment do i need to install a profesional dry cleaner a how much money do i need –Mario Esquer of Esquer Dry Cleaner from Calexico, CA
A: Simple question, complicated answer.
Moore Services has built dozens of drycleaning plants over the years, and no two of them are exactly the same. Each operation was tailored to our customer's needs and their specific market. Store sizes can start at as little as 1000 square feet. The largest we have constructed was a production facility in excess of 15,000 suare feet, which supplied drycleaning to 10 different delivery trucks.
So to answer your question: What do you have in mind?
Q: Solon, Hey! moved here from Akron last September. Have an EPSO Dry 30 SLG/MP dryer at our motel. Having burner fault issues daily and think it is the RAM Electronics Corp controller unit. Trying to track down a part supplier. It shows a 1060-891 number. Any ideas?
Ken –ken larson of All Mountain View Inn & Suites, LLC from estes park, CO
A: Ken, That would be an "Ipso" dryer, we believe. RAM spark ignition kits are common parts we always stock, but we need the complete serial number from the dryer to insure we supply you with the correct part. Thanks for contacting us! Do you miss the Ohio humidity yet? -Jerry M.
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